Thursday, May 16, 2013

"It's not 1980 anymore."

Pat Brady resigns as GOP Chairman sharing a last moment of wisdom, reminding us that "it's not 1980 anymore."

Brady recently came out in support of gay marriage. The resignation comes with the discovery of his wifes battle with cancer.  However, it is also rumored he was pressured into resignation after his public support for a policy that is strongly opposed by his political base; gay marriage.

"I think it’s time we need to put a different face on the party. I’d like to see a woman do it."  Brady ponders.

Well Congressman, I think those are great ideas.  With almost 100 women in congress, I almost feel like that idea sets almost anyones "no-shit-sherlock-meter" off at astronomical levels.  Were these statements made moments after descending from his time machine as the carburetor was idling down?  I'm lost.  At the same time, I'm glad Brady has finally caught up to the new millenium with us!

A couple of other reminders/updates for Pat Brady and his GOP subjects to consider:

1. The Cold War is OVER.  Keep fear mongering of communism to a minimum.  Shitty photoshop images of Obama with a Hitler-stache, included.

2. The South ain't comin' back!  Put away your "the south will rise" bumper stickers.  It's not the 1860's no mo'.  The  British aren't selling merchandise reading "the red coats are coming...AGAIN!"  At least, not to my knowledge.  The south lost and there will be no insurrection.  I find it funny in this country people actually put up with such high-falutin obnoxious rhetoric.  Way to romanticize the literal rebellion of the evil, northern federal government by the virtuous, God-fearing southerners.  Gloating about the "glory" days like a depressed alcoholic makes me question your revisionist history.  I know it's fun to collect stickers that draw out the mason dixie line.  It's even funnier to hear indefensible arguments about how the image isn't a blatant endorsement of segregation.  I can already hear it now, "but my Granpappy raised me thaddaway!"  With all of that said, I do love to indulge on sweet tea, cornbread, and butter milk biscuits.  Mmmm.  (Full disclosure: I was Texas born)

3. Reagan happened to be President during one of the greatest developments of inequality since the 60's.  That is not a coincidence, it was policy.  Even more important, he was the ejaculatory fantasy of the baby boomers..not of the facebook/twitter/any-kinda-social-media boomers.  If the GOP want to win next election, they're going to have to pick a new face to christen.  With Ron Paul bowing out of 2016 elections, catch the youngn's that were sprung on the heels of his libertarian policies.  Between Reagan and Clint Eastwood, you folks have a hard time getting the right kinda inspiring icon to storm the electorate with.

4. It's likely that marriage equality will eventually hit all the states in the freeland.  Religious demogoguery will have to be reduced to abortion (still a very formidable and charged talking point) and how Jesus would want America to be a tax-free haven for the wealthy so the debt burden can fall on working families (but obviously mentioning nothing about them during party debates).  Quite ironic is that the bible has very few verses scrutinizing homosexuality (all of them contextual, none of them from Jesus), and more than enough versus scrutinizing governments and people that neglect the needy and the poor.  I would say the conservative platform is backwards for such a bible inspired base.

Don't get too down.  Health care is still a mostly divisive issue.  Taxes: can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em...but mostly can't live with 'em!  So let's not fan attention towards the estimated 200 billion dollars that the IRS reports goes yearly unaccounted for by the super wealthy thanks to off shore tax havens. 

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